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PSAS: A Framework for Peer Assessment of an Individuals Skills in a Software Projects Team

Published: 21 December 2020 Publication History


Competency assessment in a software project team allows you to identify how each individual can collaborate to achieve the success of a project. The peer assessment approach can bring better results by having the vision of more than one team member. This article proposes a framework to automate the peer assessment of people's competences in software project teams, developed and evaluated using the interaction design approach. The framework allows to create and apply peer reviews with co-assessment, 360-degree and self-assessment strategies and graphically analyze the performance of people, teams, compare the results of the assessment, identify highlights and follow trends through history.


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Index Terms

  1. PSAS: A Framework for Peer Assessment of an Individuals Skills in a Software Projects Team



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    SBES '20: Proceedings of the XXXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
    October 2020
    901 pages
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    • SBC: Brazilian Computer Society


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 21 December 2020


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    1. competency assessment
    2. interaction design
    3. peer assessment
    4. software project team


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