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Intrepydd: performance, productivity, and portability for data science application kernels

Published: 17 November 2020 Publication History


Major simultaneous disruptions are currently under way in both hardware and software. In hardware, ``extreme heterogeneity'' has become critical to sustaining cost and performance improvements after Moore's Law, but poses productivity and portability challenges for developers. In software, the rise of large-scale data science is driven by developers who come from diverse backgrounds and, moreover, who demand the rapid prototyping and interactive-notebook capabilities of high-productivity languages like Python.
We introduce the Intrepydd programming system, which enables data scientists to write application kernels with high performance, productivity, and portability on current and future hardware. Intrepydd is based on Python, though the approach can be applied to other base languages as well. To deliver high performance, the Intrepydd toolchain uses ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and high-level compiler optimizations of Intrepydd kernels. Intrepydd achieves portability by its ability to compile kernels for execution on different hardware platforms, and for invocation from Python or C++ main programs.
An empirical evaluation shows significant performance improvements relative to Python, and the suitability of Intrepydd for mapping on to post-Moore accelerators and architectures with relative ease. We believe that Intrepydd represents a new direction of ``Discipline-Aware Languages'' (DiALs), which brings us closer to the holy grail of obtaining productivity and portability with higher performance than current Python-like languages, and with more generality than current domain-specific languages and libraries.

Supplementary Material

Auxiliary Archive (
This supplemental document shows the appendices of the main article: A Optimization Algorithms (A.1 Loop Invariant Code Motion Algorithm, A.2 Dense Element-wise Operation Fusion Algorithm, A.3 Sparsity Optimization Algorithm, and A.4 Allocation Hoisting Algorithm) and B Benchmark Kernel Codes.
Auxiliary Presentation Video (onward20papers-p32-p-video.mp4)
This is a presentation of our talk at Onward 2020. We introduce the Intrepydd programming system, which enables data scientists to write application kernels with high performance, productivity, and portability on current and future hardware. To deliver high performance, the Intrepydd toolchain uses ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and high-level compiler optimizations. Intrepydd achieves portability by its ability to compile kernels for execution on different hardware platforms, and for invocation from Python or C++ main programs. An empirical evaluation shows significant performance improvements relative to Python, and the suitability of Intrepydd for mapping on to post-Moore accelerators and architectures with relative ease. We believe that Intrepydd represents a new direction of ``Discipline-Aware Languages'' (DiALs), which brings us closer to the holy grail of obtaining productivity and portability and more generality than current domain-specific languages and libraries.
MP4 File (3426428.3426915.mp4)
Presentation Videos


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  1. Intrepydd: performance, productivity, and portability for data science application kernels



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    Onward! 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software
    November 2020
    208 pages
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