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View all- Hu WXiong JWang NLiu FKong YYang C(2024)Integrated Model Text Classification Based on Multineural NetworksElectronics10.3390/electronics1302045313:2(453)Online publication date: 22-Jan-2024
In recent years, text matching has gained increasing research focus and shown great improvements. However, due to the long-distance dependency and polysemy, existing text matching models cannot effectively capture the contextual and implicit ...
Text matching aims to establish the matching relationship between two texts. It is an important operation in some information retrieval related tasks such as question duplicate detection, question answering, and dialog systems. Bidirectional long short ...
With the increasing popularity of micro-video sharing where people shoot short-videos effortlessly and share their daily stories on social media platforms, the micro-video recommendation has attracted extensive research efforts to provide users with ...
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