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Understanding Promotion-as-a-Service on GitHub

Published: 08 December 2020 Publication History


As the world’s leading software development platform, GitHub has become a social networking site for programmers and recruiters who leverage its social features, such as star and fork, for career and business development. However, in this paper, we found a group of GitHub accounts that conducted promotion services in GitHub, called “promoters”, by performing paid star and fork operations on specified repositories. We also uncovered a stealthy way of tampering with historical commits, through which these promoters are able to fake commits retroactively. By exploiting such a promotion service, any GitHub user can pretend to be a skillful developer with high influence.
To understand promotion services in GitHub, we first investigated the underground promotion market of GitHub and identified 1,023 suspected promotion accounts from the market. Then, we developed an SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier to detect promotion accounts from all active users extracted from GH Archive ranging from 2015 to 2019. In total, we detected 63,872 suspected promotion accounts. We further analyzed these suspected promotion accounts, showing that (1) a hidden functionality in GitHub is abused to boost the reputation of an account by forging historical commits and (2) a group of small businesses exploit GitHub promotion services to promote their products. We estimated that suspicious promoters could have made a profit of $3.41 million and $4.37 million in 2018 and 2019, respectively.


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          ACSAC '20: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
          December 2020
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          Published: 08 December 2020


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          3. Promotion-as-a-Service


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          • (2024)Stealthy Backdoor Attack for Code ModelsIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.2024.336166150:4(721-741)Online publication date: Apr-2024
          • (2021)Experiences and insights from using Github Classroom to support Project-Based Courses2021 Third International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation (SEENG)10.1109/SEENG53126.2021.00013(31-35)Online publication date: May-2021
          • (2021)The Wonderless Dataset for Serverless Computing2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)10.1109/MSR52588.2021.00075(565-569)Online publication date: May-2021

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