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Design and Evaluation of On-the-Head Spatial Tactile Patterns

Published: 22 November 2020 Publication History


We propose around-the-head spatial vibrotactile patterns for representing different kinds of notifications. The patterns are defined in terms of stimulus location, intensity profile, rhythm, and roughness modulation. A first study evaluates recall and distinguishability of 30 patterns, as well as agreement on meaning without a predetermined context: Agreement is low, yet the recognition rate is surprisingly high. We identify which kinds of patterns users recognize well and which ones they prefer. Static stimulus location patterns have a higher recognition rate than dynamic patterns, which move across the head as they play. Participants preferred dynamic patterns for comfort. A second study shows that participants are able to distinguish substantially more around-the-head spatial patterns than smartphone-based patterns. Spatial location has the highest positive impact on accuracy among the examined features, so this parameter allows for a large number of levels.


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MUM '20: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
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Published: 22 November 2020


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  1. Augmented Reality
  2. Tactile Patterns
  3. Vibrotactile Feedback


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