Cited By
View all- Mane BMascarenhas AQuinteiro GMaciel RClaro D(2022)A Model-Driven Approach for Interoperability Among SaaS and DaaS/DBaaS: The MIDAS CaseSN Computer Science10.1007/s42979-022-01185-y3:4Online publication date: 21-May-2022
The vast amount of social data and the extensive use of smart devices have enabled different formats of DaaS (Data as a Service). Cloud consumers are encouraged to access such DaaS from a SaaS (Software as a Service) directly. However, DaaS can evolve ...
Cloud computing is an emerging model of business computing. It is basically a model that helps to provide on-demand network access from a shared pool that consists of client computers, distributed servers, cloud storage, applications and cloud services ...
Cloud Computing (CC) is a computational paradigm that provides pay-per use services to customers from a pool of networked computing resources that are provided on demand. Customers therefore does not need to worry about infrastructure or storage. Cloud ...
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