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Survey on Evaluation of IoT Services Leveraging Virtualization Technology

Published: 09 November 2020 Publication History


Nowadays, many research and development efforts are made to design IoT-related hardware, software, platforms, architectures, protocols, and technologies to support IoT services development and deployment. It can be found that virtualization technologies are deployed in IoT services to deal with the issues of device heterogeneity, environment variety, provision difficulty, management complexity, and the great demand for scalability, availability, and reliability. With the increasing popularity of IoT services and the leverage of virtualization technologies, a thorough investigation into the functional and quality evaluations of those IoT services leveraging virtualization technologies could be beneficial to stakeholders in their development, evaluation, deployment, and management tasks. In this work, a survey is conducted to investigate research publications about the evaluations of IoT services leveraging virtualization technologies. Through the collected research publications, the evaluation targets, evaluation methods, and associated tools are further classified and analyzed. According to the analysis results, stakeholders of the IoT ecology can get more insight into the deployment of virtualization technologies in IoT services, the corresponding evaluation methods and tools, and the evaluation results.


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CCIOT '20: Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
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