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Assessment of Machine Learning-Based Audiovisual Quality Predictors: Why Uncertainty Matters

Published: 21 April 2021 Publication History


Quality assessment of audiovisual (AV) signals is important from the perspective of system design, optimization, and management of a modern multimedia communication system. However, automatic prediction of AV quality via the use of computational models remains challenging. In this context, machine learning (ML) appears to be an attractive alternative to the traditional approaches. This is especially when such assessment needs to be made in no-reference (i.e., the original signal is unavailable) fashion. While development of ML-based quality predictors is desirable, we argue that proper assessment and validation of such predictors is also crucial before they can be deployed in practice. To this end, we raise some fundamental questions about the current approach of ML-based model development for AV quality assessment and signal processing for multimedia communication in general. We also identify specific limitations associated with the current validation strategy which have implications on analysis and comparison of ML-based quality predictors. These include a lack of consideration of: (a) data uncertainty, (b) domain knowledge, (c) explicit learning ability of the trained model, and (d) interpretability of the resultant model. Therefore, the primary goal of this article is to shed some light into mentioned factors. Our analysis and proposed recommendations are of particular importance in the light of significant interests in ML methods for multimedia signal processing (specifically in cases where human-labeled data is used), and a lack of discussion of mentioned issues in existing literature.


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  1. Assessment of Machine Learning-Based Audiovisual Quality Predictors: Why Uncertainty Matters



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        ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 17, Issue 2
        May 2021
        410 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        Published: 21 April 2021
        Accepted: 01 October 2020
        Revised: 01 August 2020
        Received: 01 January 2020
        Published in TOMM Volume 17, Issue 2


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        1. Audiovisual quality
        2. machine learning
        3. uncertainty
        4. validation


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