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Domain Experts' Interpretations of Assessment Bias in a Scaled, Online Computer Science Curriculum

Published: 08 June 2021 Publication History


Understanding inequity at scale is necessary for designing equitable online learning experiences, but also difficult. Statistical techniques like differential item functioning (DIF) can help identify whether items/questions in an assessment exhibit potential bias by disadvantaging certain groups (e.g. whether item disadvantages woman vs man of equivalent knowledge). While testing companies typically use DIF to identify items to remove, we explored how domain-experts such as curriculum designers could use DIF to better understand how to design instructional materials to better serve students from diverse groups. Using's online Computer Science Discoveries (CSD) curriculum, we analyzed 139,097 responses from 19,617 students to identify DIF by gender and race in assessment items (e.g. multiple choice questions). Of the 17 items, we identified six that disadvantaged students who reported as female when compared to students who reported as non-binary or male. We also identified that most (13) items disadvantaged AHNP (African/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander) students compared to WA (white, Asian) students. We then conducted a workshop and interviews with seven curriculum designers and found that they interpreted item bias relative to an intersection of item features and student identity, the broader curriculum, and differing uses for assessments. We interpreted these findings in the broader context of using data on assessment bias to inform domain-experts' efforts to design more equitable learning experiences.

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Data can help us identify the existence and extent of disparities and bias in a learning experience, but we need further contextualization to take equitable action. This study explores how domain experts (curriculum designers) interpreted data on test question bias (Differential Item Functioning, DIF) for students of equivalent knowledge levels but different genders and races. Analyzing responses of 20,000 students to's middle school Computer Science Discoveries (CSD) assessments, we found questions that disadvantaged reported female and/or AHNP (African/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaskan Native, and Pacific Islander) students. Curriculum designers considered this test question bias relative to test design and curriculum design. This work contributed the largest DIF analysis in the field of computing education as well as a new way to use DIF to inform the design of more equitable learning experiences.


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L@S '21: Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
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Published: 08 June 2021


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  1. assessment interpretation and use
  2. computing education
  3. differential item functioning
  4. item response theory
  5. test bias
  6. validity


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L@S '21: Eighth (2021) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
June 22 - 25, 2021
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  • (2024)More Robots are Coming: Large Multimodal Models (ChatGPT) can Solve Visually Diverse Images of Parsons ProblemsProceedings of the 26th Australasian Computing Education Conference10.1145/3636243.3636247(29-38)Online publication date: 29-Jan-2024
  • (2024)Exploring the Impact of Assessment Policies on Marginalized Students' Experiences in Post-Secondary Programming CoursesProceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research - Volume 110.1145/3632620.3671100(233-245)Online publication date: 12-Aug-2024

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