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GraSU: A Fast Graph Update Library for FPGA-based Dynamic Graph Processing

Published: 17 February 2021 Publication History


Existing FPGA-based graph accelerators, typically designed for static graphs, rarely handle dynamic graphs that often involve substantial graph updates (e.g., edge/node insertion and deletion) over time. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap. The key innovation of this work is to build an FPGA-based dynamic graph accelerator easily from any off-the-shelf static graph accelerator with minimal hardware engineering efforts (rather than from scratch). We observe \em spatial similarity of dynamic graph updates in the sense that most of graph updates get involved with only a small fraction of vertices. We therefore propose an FPGA library, called GraSU, to exploit spatial similarity for fast graph updates. GraSU uses a differential data management, which retains the high-value data (that will be frequently accessed) in the specialized on-chip UltraRAM while the overwhelming majority of low-value ones reside in the off-chip memory. Thus, GraSU can transform most of off-chip communications arising in dynamic graph updates into fast on-chip memory accesses. Our experiences show that GraSU can be easily integrated into existing state-of-the-art static graph accelerators with only 11 lines of code modifications. Our implementation atop AccuGraph using a Xilinx Alveo#8482; \ U250 board outperforms two state-of-the-art CPU-based dynamic graph systems, Stinger and Aspen, by an average of 34.24× and 4.42× in terms of update throughput, improving further overall efficiency by 9.80× and 3.07× on average.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3431920.3439288.mp4)
This presentation outlines the study of FPGA-based Dynamic Graph Processing, conducted by Qinggang Wang et al. In this paper, we introduce a graph-structured update library (called GraSU) for high-throughput updates on FPGA. GraSU can be easily integrated with any existing FPGA-based static graph accelerators with only a few lines of code modifications for handling dynamic graphs. GraSU features with the two key designs: an incremental value measurement and a value-aware differential memory management. We integrate GraSU into a state-of-the-art static graph accelerator AccuGraph to drive dynamic graph processing. Our implementation on a Xilinx U250 board demonstrates that the dynamic graph version of AccuGraph outperforms two state-of-the-art CPU-based dynamic graph systems, Stinger and Aspen.


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  1. GraSU: A Fast Graph Update Library for FPGA-based Dynamic Graph Processing



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    FPGA '21: The 2021 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
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