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Not Quite Yourself Today: Behaviour-Based Continuous Authentication in IoT Environments

Published: 18 December 2020 Publication History


The shortcomings of the traditional password-based authentication mechanism are becoming increasingly apparent as we transition from "one user - one device" to a richer "multiple users - multiple devices" computing paradigm. The currently dominant research direction focuses on on-device biometrics, which require sensitive information, such as images of a user's face, to be constantly streamed from a single recording source, often the device on which a user is getting authenticated. Instead, in this work we explore the possibilities offered by heterogeneous devices that opportunistically collect non-sensitive data in smart environments. We construct an IoT testbed in which we gather data pertaining to a person's movement in space, interaction with certain physical objects, PC terminal usage, and keyboard typing, and construct machine learning models capturing the person's behaviour traits. We commence our examination with models constructed from data sensed during a previously-completed task run and with such models we achieve up to 68% user identification accuracy (c.f. 7% baseline) among up to 20 individuals. Taking into account the limits of behaviour persistence we then revise our approach to continuously refine the model with the most recently sampled sensor data. This method allows us to achieve 99.3% user verification accuracy and successfully prevent a session takeover attack within 12 seconds with less than 1% of false attack detection.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 4, Issue 4
December 2020
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Published: 18 December 2020
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