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Explainable Active Learning (XAL): Toward AI Explanations as Interfaces for Machine Teachers

Published: 05 January 2021 Publication History


The wide adoption of Machine Learning (ML) technologies has created a growing demand for people who can train ML models. Some advocated the term "machine teacher'' to refer to the role of people who inject domain knowledge into ML models. This "teaching'' perspective emphasizes supporting the productivity and mental wellbeing of machine teachers through efficient learning algorithms and thoughtful design of human-AI interfaces. One promising learning paradigm is Active Learning (AL), by which the model intelligently selects instances to query a machine teacher for labels, so that the labeling workload could be largely reduced. However, in current AL settings, the human-AI interface remains minimal and opaque. A dearth of empirical studies further hinders us from developing teacher-friendly interfaces for AL algorithms. In this work, we begin considering AI explanations as a core element of the human-AI interface for teaching machines. When a human student learns, it is a common pattern to present one's own reasoning and solicit feedback from the teacher. When a ML model learns and still makes mistakes, the teacher ought to be able to understand the reasoning underlying its mistakes. When the model matures, the teacher should be able to recognize its progress in order to trust and feel confident about their teaching outcome. Toward this vision, we propose a novel paradigm of explainable active learning (XAL), by introducing techniques from the surging field of explainable AI (XAI) into an AL setting. We conducted an empirical study comparing the model learning outcomes, feedback content and experience with XAL, to that of traditional AL and coactive learning (providing the model's prediction without explanation). Our study shows benefits of AI explanation as interfaces for machine teaching--supporting trust calibration and enabling rich forms of teaching feedback, and potential drawbacks--anchoring effect with the model judgment and additional cognitive workload. Our study also reveals important individual factors that mediate a machine teacher's reception to AI explanations, including task knowledge, AI experience and Need for Cognition. By reflecting on the results, we suggest future directions and design implications for XAL, and more broadly, machine teaching through AI explanations.


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      1. active learning
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