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Educational Robotics and Mediated Transfer: Transitioning from Tangible Tile-based Programming, to Visual Block-based Programming

Published: 08 March 2021 Publication History


In this paper we present the results from a study in which participants (n=26, aged 6-9) were exposed to two different ER systems, one based on tangible tile-based programming and one on visual block-programming. During the transition from the first to the second system, mediated transfer of knowledge regarding computational concepts, were observed. Furthermore, the participants CT skills were likewise observed to improve throughout the study, across both ER systems.


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  • (2022)Taxonomy for Educational Robotics at SchoolsRobotics in Education10.1007/978-3-031-12848-6_9(91-96)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2022



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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
HRI '21 Companion: Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
March 2021
756 pages
  • General Chairs:
  • Cindy Bethel,
  • Ana Paiva,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Elizabeth Broadbent,
  • David Feil-Seifer,
  • Daniel Szafir
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 08 March 2021


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  1. computational thinking
  2. educational robotics
  3. k-12
  4. mediated transfer
  5. tangible programming
  6. visual programming


  • Short-paper


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  • (2022)Taxonomy for Educational Robotics at SchoolsRobotics in Education10.1007/978-3-031-12848-6_9(91-96)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2022

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