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Designing Computer Science Competency Statements: A Process and Curriculum Model for the 21st Century

Published: 25 December 2020 Publication History


The broadly influential document Computing Curricula 2005 (CC2005) is in the process of being updated through a project called Computing Curricula 2020 (CC2020). CC2020 provides a vision for the future of computing education, including a comprehensive report that contrasts curricular guidelines, and contextualizing those guidelines within the broader landscape of computing education. In the process, a framework of competency-based educational principles has been developed which is closely aligned with other skills and qualifications frameworks. This working group report demonstrates one way in which the transition from current learning-outcomes-based practices to the competency-based practices can be approached. Further, the paper discusses the challenges and insights that have emerged as the learning outcomes for various Knowledge Areas in the CS2013 report were re-expressed in terms of competencies.


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