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Towards Ordinal Suicide Ideation Detection on Social Media

Published: 08 March 2021 Publication History


The rising ubiquity of social media presents a platform for individuals to express suicide ideation, instead of traditional, formal clinical settings. While neural methods for assessing suicide risk on social media have shown promise, a crippling limitation of existing solutions is that they ignore the inherent ordinal nature across fine-grain levels of suicide risk. To this end, we reformulate suicide risk assessment as an Ordinal Regression problem, over the Columbia-Suicide Severity Scale. We propose SISMO, a hierarchical attention model optimized to factor in the graded nature of increasing suicide risk levels, through soft probability distribution since not all wrong risk-levels are equally wrong. We establish the face value of SISMO for preliminary suicide risk assessment on real-world Reddit data annotated by clinical experts. We conclude by discussing the empirical, practical, and ethical considerations pertaining to SISMO in a larger picture, as a human-in-the-loop framework


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WSDM '21: Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
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Published: 08 March 2021


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