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Apple Siri (input) + Voice Over (output) = a de facto marriage: An exploratory case study with blind people

Published: 09 June 2021 Publication History


People who are blind or have severe low vision (BLVP) often rely on synthesized voice (output) to interact with computers. Thanks to Voice Assistants (VAs), BLVP can now use voice commands to interact (input) with a range of devices. Yet, very little is known about how they use VAs. This exploratory paper reports on semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with (N=10) legally blind adults, including typhlotechnicians, who teach other BLVP to use digital technologies and may themselves be blind people. Whilst the current impact of VAs on our everyday lives focuses on aiding in the completion of simple day-to-day activities, the results show that the ‘couple’ Apple Siri and Voice Over has a strong, positive impact on the everyday lives of our participants. They reported using VAs mostly as a tool, not as a social actor, and that productivity was more important for them than privacy in their everyday use of Siri. Implications for design and research are outlined.


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DSAI '20: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion
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Published: 09 June 2021


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