Cited By
View all- Hu WChen LHuang BLin H(2022)A Computer Vision-Based Intelligent Fish Feeding System Using Deep Learning Techniques for AquacultureIEEE Sensors Journal10.1109/JSEN.2022.315177722:7(7185-7194)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2022
The purpose of this lecture is to establish the fundamental links between two important areas of artificial intelligence - fuzzy logic and deep learning. This approach will allow researchers in the field of fuzzy logic to develop application ...
Gomoku is an ancient board game. The traditional approach to solving the Gomoku is to apply tree search on a Gomoku game tree. Although the rules of Gomoku are straightforward, the game tree complexity is enormous. Unlike other board games such as chess ...
Deep learning, a branch of machine learning, is a frontier for artificial intelligence, aiming to be closer to its primary goal—artificial intelligence. This paper mainly adopts the summary and the induction methods of deep learning. ...
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