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Towards Story-based Summarization of Narrative Multimedia

Published: 27 September 2021 Publication History


This study aims at summarizing narrative works (i.e., creative works that contain stories) in the consideration of their stories and types of required summaries. Various methods for story-based summarization have been proposed as a practical application of the character network analysis (i.e., a social network among characters that appeared in a story). However, the existing methods do not consider that summaries have different requirements according to their types (e.g., trailers, highlights, and recaps). These methods consist of three parts: (i) discretizing narrative works into regular units (e.g., scenes or shots), (ii) measuring the narrative significance of each unit, and (iii) generating summaries based on the narrative significance. Most of the existing studies have proposed their unique significance measurements based on individual narrative features. Also, since these methods have not considered the diverse types of summaries, they have simply selected top-N narrative units according to the measurements. In this study, we first introduce and redefine the narrative significance measurements. Subsequently, we propose a method for summarizing a narrative work regarding the requirements of the summaries by integrating the various significance measurements.


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ACM ICEA '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications
December 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 27 September 2021


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  1. Character Network
  2. Computational Narrative
  3. Plot Structure
  4. Story-based Summarization


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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  • Institute for Information \& communications Technology Planning & Evaluation




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