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Chimera: A Low-power Reconfigurable Platform for Internet of Things

Published: 27 March 2021 Publication History


The Internet of Things (IoT) is being deployed in an ever-growing range of applications, from industrial monitoring to smart buildings to wearable devices. Each of these applications has specific computational requirements arising from their networking, system security, and edge analytics functionality. This diversity in requirements motivates the need for adaptable end-devices, which can be re-configured and re-used throughout their lifetime to handle computation-intensive tasks without sacrificing battery lifetime. To tackle this problem, this article presents Chimera, a low-power platform for research and experimentation with reconfigurable hardware for the IoT end-devices. Chimera achieves flexibility and re-usability through an architecture based on a Flash Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with a reconfigurable software stack that enables over-the-air hardware and software evolution at runtime. This adaptability enables low-cost hardware/software upgrades on the end-devices and an increased ability to handle computationally-intensive tasks. This article describes the design of the Chimera hardware platform and software stack, evaluates it through three application scenarios, and reviews the factors that have thus far prevented FPGAs from being utilized in IoT end-devices.


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ACM Transactions on Internet of Things  Volume 2, Issue 2
May 2021
176 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Publication History

Published: 27 March 2021
Accepted: 01 December 2020
Revised: 01 October 2020
Received: 01 July 2019
Published in TIOT Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. FPGA
  2. Reconfigurable sensor node
  3. sensor network


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