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Accept or Address? Researchers’ Perspectives on Response Bias in Accessibility Research

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History

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The authors have requested minor, non-substantive changes to the VoR and, in accordance with ACM policies, a Corrected VoR was published on November 5, 2021. For reference purposes the VoR may still be accessed via the Supplemental Material section on this page.


Response bias has been framed as the tendency of a participant's response to be skewed by a variety of factors, including study design and participant-researcher dynamics. Response bias is a concern for all researchers who conduct studies with people — especially those working with participants with disabilities. This is because these participants’ diverse needs require methodological adjustments and differences in disability identity between the researcher and participant influence power dynamics. Despite its relevance, there is little literature that connects response bias to accessibility. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 27 accessibility researchers on how response bias manifested in their research and how they mitigated it. We present unique instances of response bias and how it is handled in accessibility research; insights into how response bias interacts with other biases like researcher or sampling bias; and philosophies and tensions around response bias such as whether to accept or address it. We conclude with guidelines on thinking about response bias in accessibility research.

Supplementary Material

3471216-vor (3471216-vor.pdf)
Version of Record for "Accept or Address? Researchers' Perspectives on Response Bias in Accessibility Research" by Ming et al., The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '21).


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        ASSETS '21: Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
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        1. Response bias
        2. accessibility dongle
        3. charity model of disability
        4. participant-researcher power dynamics


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