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EP-Net: More Efficient Pose Estimation Network with the Classification-based Key-points Detection

Published: 21 March 2021 Publication History


The performance of the 6D object pose algorithm is mainly constrained by difficult challenges such as texture, occlusion, symmetry, etc. However, recent works are more about superior single-target performance, but inefficient and less accurate for multi-object tasks. In this article, several previous work are referred to improve the efficiency of the algorithm to better serve complex scenarios, We use a two-stage pipeline to obtain the high-precision pose of the multi-object, in which the first stage is the key point detection, and the second stage solves PnP to obtain the 6DoF pose. We propose a simpler and more efficient classification-based key point detection algorithm for key points on the object surface. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the SOTA methods and robust on the LINEMOD, Occlusion-LINEMOD, and YCB-Video datasets. Especially, we outperform the SOTA methods on the challenging Occluded-LINEMOD dataset by a large margin. Our approach is more robust to occlusion and more efficient to multi-object pose estimation task. The code will be available at:


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Published: 21 March 2021


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  1. 6D pose
  2. Object detection
  3. PnP
  4. key-point detection


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