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Graph-based variational auto-encoder for generalized zero-shot learning

Published: 03 May 2021 Publication History


Zero-shot learning has been a highlighted research topic in both vision and language areas. Recently, generative methods have emerged as a new trend of zero-shot learning, which synthesizes unseen categories samples via generative models. However, the lack of fine-grained information in the synthesized samples makes it difficult to improve classification accuracy. It is also time-consuming and inefficient to synthesize samples and using them to train classifiers. To address such issues, we propose a novel Graph-based Variational Auto-Encoder for zero-shot learning. Specifically, we adopt knowledge graph to model the explicit inter-class relationships, and design a full graph convolution auto-encoder framework to generate the classifier from the distribution of the class-level semantic features on individual nodes. The encoder learns the latent representations of individual nodes, and the decoder generates the classifiers from latent representations of individual nodes. In contrast to synthesize samples, our proposed method directly generates classifiers from the distribution of the class-level semantic features for both seen and unseen categories, which is more straightforward, accurate and computationally efficient. We conduct extensive experiments and evaluate our method on the widely used large-scale ImageNet-21K dataset. Experimental results validate the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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  • (2023)Adaptive Latent Graph Representation Learning for Image-Text MatchingIEEE Transactions on Image Processing10.1109/TIP.2022.322963132(471-482)Online publication date: 2023

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  1. Graph-based variational auto-encoder for generalized zero-shot learning



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    Published: 03 May 2021


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    1. generalized zero-shot learning
    2. graph-based variational autoencoder
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    • Dongguan Songshan Lake Introduction Program of Leading Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents
    • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
    • Sichuan Science and Technology Program, China


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    • (2023)Adaptive Latent Graph Representation Learning for Image-Text MatchingIEEE Transactions on Image Processing10.1109/TIP.2022.322963132(471-482)Online publication date: 2023

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