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Optimizing One-time and Continuous Subgraph Queries using Worst-case Optimal Joins

Published: 29 May 2021 Publication History


We study the problem of optimizing one-time and continuous subgraph queries using the new worst-case optimal join plans. Worst-case optimal plans evaluate queries by matching one query vertex at a time using multiway intersections. The core problem in optimizing worst-case optimal plans is to pick an ordering of the query vertices to match. We make two main contributions:
1. A cost-based dynamic programming optimizer for one-time queries that (i) picks efficient query vertex orderings for worst-case optimal plans and (ii) generates hybrid plans that mix traditional binary joins with worst-case optimal style multiway intersections. In addition to our optimizer, we describe an adaptive technique that changes the query vertex orderings of the worst-case optimal subplans during query execution for more efficient query evaluation. The plan space of our one-time optimizer contains plans that are not in the plan spaces based on tree decompositions from prior work.
2. A cost-based greedy optimizer for continuous queries that builds on the delta subgraph query framework. Given a set of continuous queries, our optimizer decomposes these queries into multiple delta subgraph queries, picks a plan for each delta query, and generates a single combined plan that evaluates all of the queries. Our combined plans share computations across operators of the plans for the delta queries if the operators perform the same intersections. To increase the amount of computation shared, we describe an additional optimization that shares partial intersections across operators.
Our optimizers use a new cost metric for worst-case optimal plans called intersection-cost. When generating hybrid plans, our dynamic programming optimizer for one-time queries combines intersection-cost with the cost of binary joins. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our plans, adaptive technique, and partial intersection sharing optimization through extensive experiments. Our optimizers are integrated into GraphflowDB.

Supplementary Material

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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 46, Issue 2
Best of PODS 2019 and Regular Papers
June 2021
182 pages
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Publication History

Published: 29 May 2021
Accepted: 01 January 2021
Revised: 01 December 2020
Received: 01 January 2020
Published in TODS Volume 46, Issue 2


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  1. Subgraph queries
  2. generic join
  3. worst-case optimal joins


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