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OM: A Comprehensive Tool to Elicit Subjective Vibrotactile Expressions Associated with Contextualised Meaning in Our Everyday Lives

Published: 27 September 2021 Publication History


The sense of touch offers interesting possibilities as a robust and ubiquitous communication channel. In this paper, we present OM, a tool that enables users to design subjective vibrotactile expressions associated with contextualised information relevant to them.  OM consists of a pair of wrist-worn devices that can reproduce complex vibrotactile symbols and a companion editor smartphone app that allows users to create, customise and store personalised expressions. We studied OM in real-world contexts by allowing 13 participants to explore the functionalities of OM throughout their daily interactions with complete autonomy. We highlight relevant scenarios, design considerations, and future directions towards a tool that can help people unveil an alternative, ubiquitous and private communication system accessible to all.


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  1. OM: A Comprehensive Tool to Elicit Subjective Vibrotactile Expressions Associated with Contextualised Meaning in Our Everyday Lives



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    MobileHCI '21: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
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    1. Haptic feedback
    2. field study
    3. programmable haptics
    4. vibrotactile symbolic mappings
    5. wearable vibrotactile display


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