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Debiasing Learning based Cross-domain Recommendation

Published: 14 August 2021 Publication History


As it becomes prevalent that user information exists in multiple platforms or services, cross-domain recommendation has been an important task in industry. Although it is well known that users tend to show different preferences in different domains, existing studies seldom model how domain biases affect user preferences. Focused on this issue, we develop a casual-based approach to mitigating the domain biases when transferring the user information cross domains. To be specific, this paper presents a novel debiasing learning based cross-domain recommendation framework with causal embedding. In this framework, we design a novel Inverse-Propensity-Score (IPS) estimator designed for cross-domain scenario, and further propose three kinds of restrictions for propensity score learning. Our framework can be generally applied to various recommendation algorithms for cross-domain recommendation. Extensive experiments on both public and industry datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


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