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View all- Zhang GMerrill MLiu YHeer JAlthoff T(2022)CORAL: COde RepresentAtion learning with weakly-supervised transformers for analyzing data analysisEPJ Data Science10.1140/epjds/s13688-022-00327-911:1Online publication date: 18-Mar-2022
There are myriad ways to analyse a dataset. But which one to trust? In the face of such uncertainty, analysts may adopt multiverse analysis: running all reasonable analyses on the dataset. Yet this is cognitively and technically difficult with existing ...
Multiverse analysis—a paradigm for statistical analysis that considers all combinations of reasonable analysis choices in parallel—promises to improve transparency and reproducibility. Although recent tools help analysts specify multiverse analyses, ...
Drawing reliable inferences from data involves many, sometimes arbitrary, decisions across phases of data collection, wrangling, and modeling. As different choices can lead to diverging conclusions, understanding how researchers make analytic decisions ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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