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RFClock: timing, phase and frequency synchronization for distributed wireless networks

Published: 09 September 2021 Publication History

Editorial Notes

The editors have requested minor, non-substantive changes to the VoR and, in accordance with ACM policies, a Corrected VoR was published on April 25, 2021. For reference purposes the VoR may still be accessed via the Supplemental Material section on this page.


Emerging applications like distributed coordinated beamforming (DCB), intelligent reflector arrays, and networked robotic devices will transform wireless applications. However, for systems-centric work on these topics, the research community must first overcome the hurdle of implementing fine-grained, over-the-air timing synchronization, which is critical for any coordinated operation. To address this gap, this paper presents an open-source design and implementation of 'RFClock' that provides timing, frequency and phase synchronization for software defined radios (SDRs). It shows how RFClock can be used for a practical, 5-node DCB application without modifying existing physical/link layer protocols. By utilizing a leader-follower architecture, RFClock-leader allows follower clocks to synchronize with mean offset under 0.107Hz, and then corrects the time/phase alignment to be within a 5ns deviation. RFClock is designed to operate in generalized environments: as standalone unit, it generates a 10MHz/1PPS signal reference suitable for most commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) SDRs today; it does not require custom protocol-specific headers or messaging; and it is robust to interference through a frequency-agile operation. Using RFClock for DCB, we verify significant increase in channel gain and low BER in a range of [0 -- 10--3] for different modulation schemes. We also demonstrate performance that is similar to a popular wired solution and significant improvement over a GPS-based solution, while delivering this functionality at a fractional price/power point.

Supplementary Material

3448623-vor (3448623-vor.pdf)
Version of Record for "RFClock: timing, phase and frequency synchronization for distributed wireless networks" by Alemdar et al., Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '21).


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  1. RFClock: timing, phase and frequency synchronization for distributed wireless networks



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      MobiCom '21: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
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