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10.1145/3448016.3459238acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Logical Schema Design that Quantifies Update Inefficiency and Join Efficiency

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


The goal of classical normalization is to maintain data consistency under updates, with a minimum level of effort. Given functional dependencies (FDs) alone, this goal is only achievable in the special case an FD-preserving Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) decomposition exists. As we show, in all other cases the level of effort can be neither controlled nor quantified. In response, we establish the l-Bounded Cardinality Normal Form, parameterized by a positive integer l. For every l, the normal form condition requires from every instance that every value combination over the left-hand side of every non-trivial FD does not occur in more than l tuples. BCNF is captured when l=1. We demonstrate that schemata in this normal form characterize the instances that are i) free from level l data redundancy and update inefficiency, and ii) permit level l join efficiency. We establish algorithms that compute schemata in l-Bounded Cardinality Normal Form for the smallest level l attainable across all FD-preserving decompositions. Additional algorithms i) attain even smaller levels of effort based on the loss of some FDs, and ii) decompose schemata based on prioritized FDs that cause high levels of effort. Our framework informs de-normalization already during logical design. In particular, level l quantifies both the incremental maintenance and join support of materialized views. Experiments with synthetic and real-world data illustrate which properties the schemata have that result from our algorithms, and how these properties predict the performance of update and query operations on instances over the schemata, without and with materialized views.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3448016.3459238.mp4)
An open challenge for logical database design is to compute schemata that enjoy semantically justified characteristics in terms of their update and join efficiency. We introduce the level l of data redundancy as the number of tuples in which a data value can be redundant in every instance of the schema. Each level is a positive integer shown to quantify join efficiency and update inefficiency. Previous work has only addressed the case l=1, where updates are most efficient and joins least efficient. With functional dependencies (FDs) alone, classical normalization cannot provide any a priori upper bound on the join efficiency, Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) falls short of measuring the level of data redundancy by FDs lost during decomposition, and Third Normal Form falls short of bounding the level of data redundancy for non-key FDs. In response, our new framework positions schema design as the problem of finding a level of data redundancy that balances update and join efficiency. We show that Chen's cardinality constraints (CCs) capture the level of data redundancy at schema design time. We establish the infinite strict hierarchy of l-Bounded Cardinality Normal Forms that characterize schemata where every instance will be i) free from level l data redundancy, ii) free from level l update inefficiency and iii) permit a level l of join efficiency. The normal form is natural as it requires every value combination over the left-hand side of every non-trivial FD to not occur in more than l tuples of every instance. The interaction of CCs and FDs facilitates efficient testing whether given schemata are in l-Bounded Cardinality Normal Form. BCNF is captured as the special case where l=1. Experiments with real-world schemata and data show the various trade-offs that our normal forms achieve, including update and join efficiency. We demonstrate how CCs guide schema design in achieving different performance levels for updates and joins.


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Published: 18 June 2021


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  1. cardinality constraint
  2. data redundancy
  3. functional dependency
  4. join
  5. normal form
  6. normalization
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