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Eye-GUAna: Higher Gaze-Based Entropy and Increased Password Space in Graphical User Authentication Through Gamification

Published: 25 May 2021 Publication History


Graphical user authentication (GUA) is a common alternative to text-based user authentication, where people are required to draw graphical passwords on background images. Recent research provides evidence that gamification of the graphical password creation process influences people to make less predictable choices. Aiming to understand the underlying reasons from a visual behavior perspective, in this paper, we report a small-scale eye-tracking study that compares the visual behavior developed by people who follow a gamified approach and people who follow a non-gamified approach to make their graphical password choices. The results show that people who follow a gamified approach have higher gaze-based entropy, as they fixate on more image areas and for longer periods, and thus, they have an increased effective password space, which could lead to better and less predictable password choices.


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        ETRA '21 Short Papers: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
        May 2021
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