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View all- Grabinger LHauser FWolff CMottok J(2024)On Eye Tracking in Software EngineeringSN Computer Science10.1007/s42979-024-03045-35:6Online publication date: 26-Jul-2024
In this position paper we encourage the use of eye tracking measurements to investigate users' cognitive load while interacting with a system. We start with an overview of how eye movements can be interpreted to provide insight about cognitive processes ...
We report on the results of a study in which pairs of subjects were involved in spoken dialogues and one of the subjects also operated a simulated vehicle. We estimated the driver's cognitive load based on pupil size measurements from a remote eye ...
Users' cognitive load while interacting with a system is a valuable metric for evaluations in HCI. We encourage the analysis of eye movements as an unobtrusive and widely available way to measure cognitive load. In this paper, we report initial findings ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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