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Energy-efficient Collaborative Sensing: Learning the Latent Correlations of Heterogeneous Sensors

Published: 21 June 2021 Publication History


With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the consumer market, the unprecedented sensing capability of IoT devices makes it possible to develop advanced sensing and complex inference tasks by leveraging heterogeneous sensors embedded in IoT devices. However, the limited power supply and the restricted computation capability make it challenging to conduct seamless sensing and continuous inference tasks on resource-constrained devices. How to conduct energy-efficient sensing and perform rich-sensor inference tasks on IoT devices is crucial for the success of IoT applications. Therefore, we propose a novel energy-efficient collaborative sensing framework to optimize the energy consumption of IoT devices. Specifically, we explore the latent correlations among heterogeneous sensors via an attention mechanism in temporal convolutional network to quantify the dependency among sensors, and characterize the heterogeneous sensors in terms of energy consumption to categorize them into low-power sensors and energy-intensive sensors. Finally, to decrease the sampling frequency of energy-intensive sensors, we propose a multi-task learning strategy to predict the statuses of energy-intensive sensors based on the low-power sensors. To evaluate the performance of the proposed collaborative sensing framework, we develop a mobile application to collect concurrent heterogeneous data streams from all sensors embedded in Huawei Mate 8. The experimental results show that latent correlation learning is greatly helpful to understand the latent correlations among heterogeneous streams, and it is feasible to predict the statuses of energy-intensive sensors by low-power sensors with high accuracy and fast convergence. In terms of energy consumption, the proposed collaborative sensing framework is able to preserve the energy consumption of IoT devices by nearly 50% for continuous data acquisition tasks.


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      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 17, Issue 3
      August 2021
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      Published: 21 June 2021
      Accepted: 01 January 2021
      Revised: 01 November 2020
      Received: 01 July 2020
      Published in TOSN Volume 17, Issue 3


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      1. Energy efficiency
      2. latent correlation learning
      3. collaboration sensing
      4. internet of things
      5. temporal convolutional network
      6. attention mechanism
      7. multi-task learning


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      • National Major Program for Technological Innovation 2030-New Generation Artificial Intelligence
      • Natural Science Foundation of China
      • The Central Universities


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