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An Empirical Analysis of the Progress in Wireless Communication Generations

Published: 09 August 2021 Publication History


The controversy and argument on the usefulness of the physical layer (PHY) academic research for wireless communications are long-standing since the cellular communication paradigm gets to its maturity. In particular, researchers suspect that the performance improvement in cellular communications is primarily attributable to the increases in telecommunication infrastructure and radio spectrum instead of the PHY academic research, whereas concrete evidence is lacking. To respond to this controversy from an objective perspective, we employ econometric approaches to quantify the contributions of the PHY academic research and other performance determinants. Through empirical analysis and the quantitative evidence obtained, albeit preliminary, we shed light on the following issues: 1) what determines the cross-national differences in cellular network performance; 2) to what extent the PHY academic research and other factors affect cellular network performance; 3) what suggestions we can obtain from the data analysis for the stakeholders of the PHY research.


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  • (2024)Securing Wireless Communication in Critical Infrastructure: Challenges and OpportunitiesMobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services10.1007/978-3-031-63989-0_17(333-352)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2024



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MobiQuitous '20: MobiQuitous 2020 - 17th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services
December 2020
493 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 09 August 2021


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  1. 5G communications.
  2. Physical layer research
  3. cellular communications
  4. econometrics
  5. empirical analysis


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed limited


MobiQuitous '20
MobiQuitous '20: Computing, Networking and Services
December 7 - 9, 2020
Darmstadt, Germany

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  • (2024)Securing Wireless Communication in Critical Infrastructure: Challenges and OpportunitiesMobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services10.1007/978-3-031-63989-0_17(333-352)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2024

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