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Social-Emotional-Sensory Design Map for Affective Computing Informed by Neurodivergent Experiences

Published: 22 April 2021 Publication History


One of the grand challenges of artificial intelligence and affective computing is for technology to become emotionally-aware and thus, more human-like. Modeling human emotions is particularly complicated when we consider the lived experiences of people who are on the autism spectrum. To understand the emotional experiences of autistic adults and their attitudes towards common representations of emotions, we deployed a context study as the first phase of a Grounded Design research project. Based on community observations and interviews, this work contributes empirical evidence of how the emotional experiences of autistic adults are entangled with social interactions as well as the processing of sensory inputs. We learned that (1) the emotional experiences of autistic adults are embodied and co-constructed within the context of physical environments, social relationships, and technology use, and (2) conventional approaches to visually representing emotion in affective education and computing systems fail to accurately represent the experiences and perceptions of autistic adults. We contribute a social-emotional-sensory design map to guide designers in creating more diverse and nuanced affective computing interfaces that are enriched by accounting for neurodivergent users.


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