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Supporting Collaborative Sequencing of Small Groups through Visual Awareness

Published: 22 April 2021 Publication History


Collaborative Sequencing (CoSeq) is the process by which a group collaboratively constructs a sequence. CoSeq is ubiquitous, occurring across diverse situations like trip planning, course scheduling, or book writing. Building a consensus on a sequence is desirable to groups. However, accomplishing this requires groups to dedicate significant effort to comprehensively discuss preferences and resolve conflicts. Furthermore, as numerous decisions must be assessed to construct a sequence, this challenge can be exacerbated in CoSeq. However, little research has aimed to effectively support consensus building in CoSeq. As a first step to systematically understand and support consensus building in CoSeq, we conducted a formative study to gain insights into how visual awareness may facilitate the holistic recognition of preferences and the resolution of conflicts within a group. From the study, we identified design requirements to support consensus building and designed a novel visual awareness technique for CoSeq. We instantiated this design in a collaborative travel itinerary planning system, Twine, and conducted a summative study to evaluate its effects. We found that visual awareness could decrease the effort of communicating preferences by 21%, and participants' comments suggest that it also encouraged group members to behave more cooperatively when building a consensus. We discuss future research directions to further explore the needs and challenges in this unique context and to advance the development of support for CoSeq tasks.

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Published: 22 April 2021
Published in PACMHCI Volume 5, Issue CSCW1


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  1. collaborative sequencing
  2. consensus
  3. group awareness
  4. group communication
  5. small group
  6. visual awareness


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