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ETRA '21 Adjunct: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
ACM2021 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ETRA '21: 2021 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications Virtual Event Germany May 25 - 27, 2021
25 May 2021
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SESSION: ETRA Demo & Video Track
GazeHelp: Exploring Practical Gaze-assisted Interactions for Graphic Design Tools
Article No.: 1, Pages 1–4

This system development project introduces the Adobe Photoshop plugin GazeHelp, exploring the practical application of multimodal gaze-assisted interaction in assisting current graphic design activities. It implements three core features, including ...

Implementing Eye-Tracking for Persona Analytics
Article No.: 2, Pages 1–4

Investigating users’ engagement with interactive persona systems can yield crucial insights for the design of such systems. Using eye-tracking, researchers can address the scarcity of behavioral user studies, even during times when physical user studies ...

Automatic Recognition and Augmentation of Attended Objects in Real-time using Eye Tracking and a Head-mounted Display
Article No.: 3, Pages 1–4

Scanning and processing visual stimuli in a scene is essential for the human brain to make situation-aware decisions. Adding the ability to observe the scanning behavior and scene processing to intelligent mobile user interfaces can facilitate a new ...

SESSION: ETRA Doctoral Symposium
Eye Tracking Calibration on Mobile Devices
Article No.: 4, Pages 1–4

Eye tracking has been widely used in psychology, human-computer interaction and many other fields. Recently, eye tracking based on off-the-shelf cameras has produced promising results, compared to the traditional eye tracking devices. This presents an ...

The influence of clutter on search-based learning, long-term memory, and memory-guided attention in real-world scenes: an eye-movement research protocol
Article No.: 5, Pages 1–3

Previous studies have shown that visual clutter degrades visual search performance. This performance decrement is also reflected in several eye movement metrics, such as mean fixation duration, scan path length, and first saccade latency. However, ...

Climate change overlooked. The role of attitudes and mood regulation in visual attention to global warming
Article No.: 6, Pages 1–3

Why, in the face of climate catastrophe, do people still seem to underestimate the weight of the threat without taking adequate action to fight global warming? Among many reasons for this, the current study aims to dive into people’s cognitive ...

Gaze and Heart Rate Synchronization in Computer-Mediated Collaboration
Article No.: 7, Pages 1–3

Computer-mediated collaboration has become an integral part of our every day functioning. Despite decreased non-verbal communication and face-to-face contact with partners of collaboration, people learned how to remotely work together. The consequences ...

SESSION: ActivEye: Challenges in large scale eye-tracking for active participants
Open Access
Solving Parallax Error for 3D Eye Tracking
Article No.: 8, Pages 1–4

Head-mounted eye-trackers allow for unrestricted behavior in the natural environment, but have calibration issues that compromise accuracy and usability. A well-known problem arises from the fact that gaze measurements suffer from parallax error due to ...

Open Access
Integrating High Fidelity Eye, Head and World Tracking in a Wearable Device
Article No.: 9, Pages 1–4

A challenge in mobile eye tracking is balancing the quality of data collected with the ability for a subject to move freely and naturally through their environment. This challenge is exacerbated when an experiment necessitates multiple data streams ...

Open Access
Fixational stability as a measure for the recovery of visual function in amblyopia
Article No.: 10, Pages 1–4

People with amblyopia have been shown to have decreased fixational stability, particularly those with strabismic amblyopia. Fixational stability and visual acuity have been shown to be tightly correlated across multiple studies, suggesting a ...

Open Access
Tracking Active Observers in 3D Visuo-Cognitive Tasks
Article No.: 11, Pages 1–3

Most past and present research in computer vision involves passively observed data. Humans, however, are active observers in real life; they explore, search, select what and how to look. In this work, we present a psychophysical experimental setup for ...

Open Access
Algorithmic gaze classification for mobile eye-tracking
Article No.: 12, Pages 1–4

Mobile eye tracking traditionally requires gaze to be coded manually. We introduce an open-source Python package (GazeClassify) that algorithmically annotates mobile eye tracking data for the study of human interactions. Instead of manually identifying ...

Sub-centimeter 3D gaze vector accuracy on real-world tasks: an investigation of eye and motion capture calibration routines
Article No.: 13, Pages 1–4

Measuring where people look in real-world tasks has never been easier but analyzing the resulting data remains laborious. One solution integrates head-mounted eye tracking with motion capture but no best practice exists regarding what calibration data ...

Public Access
Ergonomic Design Development of the Visual Experience Database Headset
Article No.: 14, Pages 1–4

Head-mounted devices allow recording of eye movements, head movements, and scene video outside of the traditional laboratory setting. A key challenge for recording comprehensive first-person stimuli and behavior outside the lab is the form factor of ...

Public Access
VEDBViz: The Visual Experience Database Visualization and Interaction Tool
Article No.: 15, Pages 1–4

Mobile, simultaneous tracking of both the head and eyes is typically achieved through integration of separate head and eye tracking systems because off-the-shelf solutions do not yet exist. Similarly, joint visualization and analysis of head and eye ...

Eye, Robot: Calibration Challenges and Potential Solutions for Wearable Eye Tracking in Individuals with Eccentric Fixation
Article No.: 16, Pages 1–3

Loss of the central retina, including the fovea, can lead to a loss of visual acuity and oculomotor deficits, and thus have profound effects on day-to-day tasks. Recent advances in head-mounted, 3D eye tracking have allowed researchers to extend studies ...

Public Access
Post-processing integration and semi-automated analysis of eye-tracking and motion-capture data obtained in immersive virtual reality environments to measure visuomotor integration
Article No.: 17, Pages 1–4

Mobile eye-tracking and motion-capture techniques yield rich, precisely quantifiable data that can inform our understanding of the relationship between visual and motor processes during task performance. However, these systems are rarely used in ...

Pupil Tracking Under Direct Sunlight
Article No.: 18, Pages 1–4

Pupil tracking in a bright outdoor environment is challenging due to low eye image quality and reduced pupil size in response to bright light. In this study we present research to develop robust outdoor pupil tracking without the need for shading the ...

Characterizing the Performance of Deep Neural Networks for Eye-Tracking
Article No.: 19, Pages 1–4

Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide powerful tools to identify and track features of interest, and have recently come into use for eye-tracking. Here, we test the ability of a DNN to predict keypoints localizing the eyelid and pupil under the types of ...

Noise in the Machine: Sources of Physical and Computation Error in Eye Tracking with Pupil Core Wearable Eye Tracker: Wearable Eye Tracker Noise in Natural Motion Experiments
Article No.: 20, Pages 1–3

Developments in wearable eye tracking devices make them an attractive solution for studies of eye movements during naturalistic head/body motion. However, before these systems’ potential can be fully realized, a thorough assessment of potential sources ...

Gaze Interactive and Attention Aware Low Vision Aids as Future Smart Glasses
Article No.: 21, Pages 1–4

We present a working paper on integrating eye tracking with mixed and augmented reality for the benefit of low vision aids. We outline the current state of the art and relevant research and point to further research and development required in order to ...

  • Max Planck Institute for Informatics
  • Ulm University
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Copenhagen
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • Hochschule Emden/Leer
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  1. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 69 of 137 submissions, 50%
    ETRA '22391538%
    ETRA '04401845%
    ETRA '02291862%
    ETRA '00291862%