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View all- Cai YLi RLiu L(2024)MV2MV: Multi-View Image Translation via View-Consistent Diffusion ModelsACM Transactions on Graphics10.1145/368797743:6(1-12)Online publication date: 19-Nov-2024
Recent approaches on single image super-resolution (SR) have attempted to exploit self-similarity to avoid the use of multiple images. In this paper, we propose an SR method based on self-learning and Gabor prior. Given a low resolution (LR) test image ...
We propose a novel single-image super resolution (SISR) approach using self-similarity of image and the low-rank matrix recovery (LRMR). The method performs multiple upsampling steps with relatively small magnification factors to recover a desired high ...
Due to the tradeoff between spatial and spectral resolution in remote sensing imaging, hyperspectral images are often acquired with a relative low spatial resolution, which limits their applications in many areas. Inspired by recent achievements in ...
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