Cited By
View all- Nascimento FCavalcanti GDa Costa-Abreu M(2023)Exploring Automatic Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A Focus on Content-Based AnalysisSage Open10.1177/2158244023118131113:2Online publication date: 17-Jun-2023
The hate speech has become the major source of negativity spread in all over the social media. As the social media becomes aware of this issue, they gradually build several new regulations to handle the spread of hate speech e.g. by automatically ...
Hate speech is a specific type of controversial content that is widely legislated as a crime that must be identified and blocked. However, due to the sheer volume and velocity of the Twitter data stream, hate speech detection cannot be performed ...
With the changes in human interaction prompted by the development of communications platforms over the internet, hate speech and offensive language emerged as a contemporary problem. Social networks allow users with different opinions and backgrounds to ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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