Welcome to the CASES'21: 2021 Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems. We are happy to continue the CASES tradition of bringing a unique focus on the intersection of architectures, compilers, and synthesis to Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK). CASES has served this purpose since 2006, when it first formed part of the three core conferences that comprise ESWEEK.
Proceeding Downloads
Fast generation of optimized execution plans for parameterizable CNN accelerators: work-in-progress
Generating an optimal execution plan for a given convolutional neural network (CNN) and a parameterizable hardware accelerator is a challenge.We present a framework that finds an execution plan that maximizes throughput for a given network and a ...
Multiple approximate instances in neural processing units for energy-efficient circuit synthesis: work-in-progress
We present an architectural approach toward energy-efficient synthesis of circuits used in neural processing units. Neural network applications are shown to tolerate varying operand precisions between different inputs, accuracy targets, their phases, ...
- Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems