Cited By
View all- Kaltofen EMaza MZhi L(2022)Sparse Polynomial Hermite InterpolationProceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation10.1145/3476446.3535501(469-478)Online publication date: 4-Jul-2022
We generalize Hermite interpolation with error correction, which is the methodology for multiplicity algebraic error correction codes, to Hermite interpolation of a rational function over a field from function and function derivative values.
We ...
We describe a parametric cubic spline interpolation scheme for planar curves which is based on an idea of Sabin for the construction of C^1 bicubic parametric spline surfaces. The method is a natural generalization of [standard] Hermite interpolation. ...
Based on the symmetric, nonnegative and normalized basis of the trigonometric polynomial space, the piecewise trigonometric Hermite interpolation methods are presented. The C n - 1 and Cn continuous piecewise trigonometric Hermite interpolants of degree ...
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