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Philosophical Foundation of Curriculum Development of Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula Southwest Sumba East Nusa Tenggara

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Philosophical foundation is essential for curriculum development as its foundation, direction and determining the goal of education. Thus the philosophical foundation in curriculum development guides the quality of learning, resources, content, learning process, students position, and assessment, also interpersonal relations of students with surroundings. This research aims to describe philosophical foundations of curriculum development in the Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula. This study is a qualitative descriptive research with literature review method. Literatures in this research involve curriculum documents of Primary Teacher Education Study Program as the primary data resource and other literatures related to philosophy education, curriculum development and society 5.0 as secondary data resources. Content analysis is used as the data analysis technique to choose, classify, compare and merge data from several documents so relevant data is established. Research findings show that curriculum development in the Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula already has a philosophical foundation of education which facilitates the learning process to welcome society 5.0. Curriculum development of the Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula is embedded in perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and reconstructionism philosophy of education. These four philosophical underpinnings are encompassed eclectically through vision, mission, graduate profiles, learning outcomes, subject structures and subject matrix in Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula.


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  1. Philosophical Foundation of Curriculum Development of Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula Southwest Sumba East Nusa Tenggara



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