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Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence Paragraph and its Effect on Student Writing Ability

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


The importance of conducting research about analysis cohesion and coherence of paragraphs in a paper is a particular concern in efforts to improve students' writing ability. The problem that arises is there are still many student papers that are not good in terms of the cohesion and coherence of the paragraph. This case is caused by the lack of student understanding in terms of fusing sentences with other sentences and there is no logic in preparing paragraphs. Of course, this has an impact on the poor quality of his writings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cohesion and coherence of paragraphs and their effect on students' writing ability. The subjects of this study were high school (SMA) students in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. The research sample was conducted by a purposing sampling of 120 students. This study was analyzed by a qualitative descriptive analysis method, where the data obtained were interpreted by examining the data, checking the validity of the data, and describing the data. Data collection methods used in this study are documentary and non-test studies. The data analysis technique used in this descriptive qualitative research is an interactive data analysis technique. The results showed that the level of cohesion and coherence of paragraphs made by students through a paper was less than optimal. A review of students' papers shows that paragraphs are not cohesive and incoherent at 4.5%, cohesive but incoherent at 27%, and cohesive and coherent paragraphs at 68.5%. Referring to the data, it can be conclude that there is an influence between cohesion analysis and paragraph coherence by students on their writing ability.


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  1. Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence Paragraph and its Effect on Student Writing Ability



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Ability
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