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Competency Profile School Counselor in Managing Guidance and Counseling Services in Madrasah in Garut Regency, Indonesia

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


The study aims to determine the competency profile of school counselors at a madrasah in managing guidance and counseling services which include the ability to conduct need assessments, program planning, program implementation, evaluation of program implementation, activity reports, and the follow-up of program development. The method used is descriptive method with research subjects were 25 school counselors of madrasah both public and private by using a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire totaling 36 statements. The results showed that the competence of the school counselor of madrasah in managing guidance and counseling services as many as 43% was generally in the poor category, 37% was in a good category and the rest 20% was very good. Thus it can be concluded that basically the school counselor of madrasah in Garut Regency has not been able to manage guidance and counseling services properly. The implications of this study of school counselors can fix things that are still weak and less precise with the objectives to be achieved. School counselors can also develop programs by adding or changing some things that can improve the service quality or the effectiveness of the program.


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  1. Competency Profile School Counselor in Managing Guidance and Counseling Services in Madrasah in Garut Regency, Indonesia



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    2. Guidance and Counseling Services
    3. School Counselor


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