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Lockdown and Gadget Addicted Phenomenon: Changes in Social Behavior of School Age Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mataram City

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Cases of gadget addiction in the pandemic era have increased. This study aims to examine the relationship between lockdown and gadget addiction phenomena that occur in school-age children. This research was designed in the form of qualitative research. This research uses a phenomenological approach. Data collection uses surveys, observations, and interviews. Research location in the city of Mataram. The main problems to be examined in this study include how many cases of gadget addiction in the city of Mataram during the pandemic? Were there changes in social behavior in school-age children during the pandemic? Based on the identification of sample schools, it appears that the number of school-age children who have gadget addictions in the city of Mataram is 11 students. In detail at the kindergarten level, 5 students while in the primary school category there are 6 students. There is a change in social behavior due to gadget addiction. These behaviors include: hyper tantrums, unstable emotions, do not care about having social problems, such as being alone, do not want to socialize, and always focus on the gadget in his hand. Based on this data it can be understood that the phenomenon of gadget addiction is a side effect of a pandemic followed by a large-scale social restriction policy. With this policy, the intensity of playing gadgets increases so that there are gadget addictions that have implications for changes in students' social behavior.


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  1. Lockdown and Gadget Addicted Phenomenon: Changes in Social Behavior of School Age Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mataram City



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    • (2023)Determining Positive Behavioral Skills in Different Age Groups of Young Basketball Players during the PandemicChildren10.3390/children1006091410:6(914)Online publication date: 23-May-2023
    • (2023)Exploring a Toddler’s Foreign Language Development through Watching English Videos on YouTubeJurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini10.31004/obsesi.v7i2.40727:2(1723-1732)Online publication date: 23-Mar-2023
    • (2022)Primary Teachers Difficulties Related to Compulsory Distance Education During COVID-19Contemporary Educational Technology10.30935/cedtech/1158914:2(ep357)Online publication date: 2022

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