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Management of Elementary School Supervisors Strategy in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Insufficient number of school supervisors and the burden of overstated tasks has made it difficult for them to arrange guidance time. Management of school supervisor strategy is needed to success of the roles and duties school supervisors. The research aims focus to explore POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling), inhibiting factors, supporting factors, and development related to management of elementary school supervisors strategy. This research is a phenomenology research with a qualitative approach. The research subject was a school supervisor as a key informant. Research data were collected through observation, interview, participation, and documentation techniques. The validity of the data researcher used the test of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The results of this study indicate several findings. The planning of school supervisor strategy is contained in annual and semester programs. The organizing of school supervisor strategy are through flexible communication quality and good relations with the principals and teachers in the supervisor program (collective and personal assistance). The actuating of school supervisor strategy are carried out by adjusting the time and condition. The controlling of school supervisor strategy is in form monitoring. The inhibiting factors of school supervisor strategy are the large workload, the imbalance between the number of supervisors and the number of target schools, and the changing regulations. The supporting factors of school supervisor strategy are strategic geography, good communication, competent human resources, equitable facilities and infrastructure. The development of school supervisor strategy management are carried out with being able to adapt and learn quickly to the dynamics of the schools and regulations, socialize the program, good time management skill, high leadership, and dedication. The conclusion is that Yogyakarta elementary school supervisor carry out strategy management and strategy management development in carrying out the supervisory programs.


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  1. Management of Elementary School Supervisors Strategy in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia



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