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Is the Android Digital Web Module based on Flipped Classroom Needed by Teachers and High School Students in Pati Distric during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


COVID-19 pandemic has a profound effect on all fields, including education. In the field of education, this pandemic requires several changes in the way teachers teach, the practicum process in the classroom, and students' discussions without having a face-to-face meeting. It will become a serious problem if there is no solution. This study aimed to investigate the perspectives of teachers and students regarding the availability of the Android Web Module based on Flipped Classroom as an innovative strategy in the distance Physics learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, this study also explored changes in the way teachers teach and students' learning process between pre-pandemic and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method in this research was quantitative descriptive analysis. The data were collected from five physics teachers and 137 students from SMAN 3 Pati. The percentage of digital module needs from teachers was 90% and from students was 67%. It indicated that teachers and students agreed with the development of a digital android web application module based on flipped classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic as Physics teaching material. The results of this study indicated that physics teachers and students at SMAN 3 Pati needed the Flipped Classroom-based Android Digital Web Module during the COVID-19 pandemic and required to be followed up as showed by the need analysis.


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  • (2024)Application of physics e-module based on flipped learning to increase conceptual understandingFRONTIERS IN INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: FIAM202210.1063/5.0133236(020025)Online publication date: 2024

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  1. Is the Android Digital Web Module based on Flipped Classroom Needed by Teachers and High School Students in Pati Distric during the Covid-19 Pandemic?



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    ICLIQE 2020: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education
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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Android Digital Web Module
    2. COVID-19 Pandemic
    3. Flipped Classroom
    4. Needed Analysis


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    • (2024)Application of physics e-module based on flipped learning to increase conceptual understandingFRONTIERS IN INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: FIAM202210.1063/5.0133236(020025)Online publication date: 2024

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