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Implications of Student Management in SMART Ekselensia Indonesia

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


An effective school is a school that shows quality improvement in the quality of education seen from the achievement of learning outcomes of students and has good management that provides the best educational services to students. Ekselensia SMART School is a junior high school and boarding high school with an acceleration program, a free school where students are children from poor families (needy or poor) who have good intelligence skills from various regions in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze: (a) the implementation of student management (b) the school efforts related to student management to improve the quality of inputs and outputs (c) implication of the implementation of student management in improving the quality of output in SMART Ekslensia Indonesia. This research is qualitative; the approach of this research is a case study at SMART Ekselensia Indonesia. The data collected through observation, structure interviews, and document study. The data analyzed by interpreting the data collected with qualitative descriptive analysis and the conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of school management includes, new student admissions system, student development, and graduates and alumni tracking. Efforts by schools to improve the quality of inputs and outputs include; (b) guidance and counselling, (c) holding enrichment programs, (d) facilitating students to contest, (e) matriculation programs, (f) psychotest, (g) motivating students. And the implications of the implementation of student management in improving the quality of output SMART Ekselensia Indonesia are; (a) increase in academic achievement in the form of a rising National Examination, (b) increase in non-academic achievement achieved by students, (c) SMART graduates are accepted in public and private universities. This shows that the implications of student management are able to enhance the student's academic and non-academic achievement.


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  1. Implications of Student Management in SMART Ekselensia Indonesia



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Academic achievement
    2. Boarding school
    3. School Effective
    4. Student Management


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