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Analysis of Self-Confident Character on Slow Learner Students in Learning at The Inclusive Elementary School in Surakarta

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


The study aims to describe the self-confident character of slow learner students in learning at the Inclusive Elementary School in Surakarta. The study used a descriptive quantitative research method. The research subjects were twenty-six slow learner students spread on six classes at eight Inclusive Elementary Schools in Surakarta. Data collection techniques used the Guttman-scale questionnaire with intervals (yes-no). Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics. The results found that the self-confident character of 73% slow learner students in learning at the Inclusive Elementary School in Surakarta was categorized as low confidence. The solutions for enhancing the self-confident character in slow learner students are by giving positive words in instilling self-confident character, encouraging slow learner students to build friendships with other students, and using Behavioral Skill Training (BST) method in character education to make slow learner students do not accept a self-confident concept abstractly.


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    • (2024)The Effect of Remedial Program Practices on the Academic Performance of Slow Learners in Mathematics Subject in Public Lower-Day Secondary School in Rwanda: A Case of Kirehe DistrictAfrican Journal of Empirical Research10.51867/ajernet.5.4.775:4(945-956)Online publication date: 12-Nov-2024

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