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10.1145/3452144.3452207acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicliqeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The Development of Instrument for Evaluating The Process of Strengthening Religion Ideology

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


This research aims to develop an instrument for evaluating the process of strengthening ideology. The research begins with a review of the quality of teacher-student interaction and comprehensive method in value education for the basis of item development. The developed item was validated by 11 experts and was tested limitedly at Al-Irsyad Purwokerto Junior High School by involving 165 students and then expanded at other Junior High Schools in Al Irsyad Cirebon, Surakarta, and Banyuwangi by involving 222 students. Expert assessment data were analyzed by using Aiken's formula, limited trial data were analyzed by factor analysis, and expanded trial data were analyzed by CFA. The research result shows that the factor loading (FL) aspect of emotional support is at the lowest of 0.649 (>0.5), the lowest composite reliability value is 0.7484 (>0.7), and the lowest t-value 3,402 (>1.96 for α=5%). The lowest FL value of the class management aspect is 0.546 (>0.5), the lowest composite reliability is 0.7741 (>0.7), and the lowest t-value 2,752 (>1.96). The FL value for the instructional support aspect is at the lowest of 0.656 (>0.5), the lowest composite reliability value is 0.7652 (>0.7), and the lowest t-value 3,496 (>1.96). Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the item of the ideology strengthening process instrument is valid and reliable so that it can be used as an evaluation tool for the process of strengthening ideology in school.


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    • (2024)The Development of Teacher Performance Assessment Instruments in Boarding SchoolEuropean Journal of Educational Research10.12973/eu-jer.13.1.5512:1(55-68)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2024

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