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The Feasibility of Media, Material, and Language Aspects in the Development of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Teaching material is one important part of the learning process. It's should be designed and written following the rules of learning, that is, adapted learning materials, arranged based on needs, there are evaluation materials, and interesting to be studied by students. This study aims to produce thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom for fourth-grade students in elementary schools. This research method is research and development adapted from Sukmadinata. The research began by conducting (1) a preliminary study to find research findings related to the needs of teachers and students on thematic teaching materials, (2) Developing products in the form of thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom based on the needs of teachers and students, and (3) Validating media, material, and language by experts and make revisions based on expert input and advice. The results of the validation of experts on thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom developed showed that (1) the average results of the validation of media experts showed a percentage of 80.98%. with the category of "very good" in terms of the feasibility of graphics and language worthiness; (2) the average results of the validation of the material experts showed a percentage of 92.78% with the category of "very good" in terms of the feasibility of the content, the feasibility of presentation, and assessment of the language; and (3) the average results of the validation of linguists show a percentage of 78.33% with the category of "good" in terms of the feasibility of the language. Based on the results of validation from media, materials, and language experts, it can be concluded that the thematic teaching materials based on local wisdom developed are worth testing in the field.


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  1. The Feasibility of Media, Material, and Language Aspects in the Development of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Feasibility
    2. local wisdom
    3. teaching materials


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