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Student Module Development Based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) as an Effort to Increase Mathematic Reasoning Students in Algebra

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


The learning module is an option that can be used in Mathematics learning during the COVID19 virus pandemic. Problems that arise such as inadequate facilities, infrastructure, internet access, the ability of teachers and students to use online communication technology, and the adaptability of different teachers and students to online learning. In connection with these problems, it is necessary to update and develop the module used continuously. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. This study aims to develop a STEM-based module for junior high school students on algebraic material. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII SMPN 1 Ngronggot Nganjuk who were taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by researchers as the main instrument and the auxiliary instruments in the form of observation sheets and questionnaires. This research went through several stages, namely the preparation stage, the data collection and analysis stage, and the report preparation stage. The results showed: (1) Based on the development of module products based on science, technology, engineering, mathematic (STEM) in the field of algebra, it is considered feasible and needed. in the learning process. (2) The analysis of student needs that shows students who claim that algebra learning material is difficult reaches 80.95%, 65.08% of students learn mathematics by memorizing it, 80.95% of students state that learning mathematics in algebraic material is less interesting, 96.7 % of students stated that the module used still made them less familiar with algebraic material. (3) The small group trial also shows that the module is declared good and feasible by getting a score between 2.51 ≤ x <3.50.


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Index Terms

  1. Student Module Development Based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) as an Effort to Increase Mathematic Reasoning Students in Algebra



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    ICLIQE 2020: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education
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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Algebra
    2. Mathematical Reasoning
    3. Modules
    4. STEM


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